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Home » The Difference Between Collision and Comprehensive Physical Damage Coverage 
September 5, 2024

The Difference Between Collision and Comprehensive Physical Damage Coverage 

Understanding the nuances of auto insurance can be challenging, especially when distinguishing between collision and comprehensive physical damage coverage. Both types of coverage are essential for protecting your vehicle, but they serve different purposes.

What Is Collision Coverage?

Collision coverage is designed to help cover the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle if it is damaged in an accident. This type of insurance applies explicitly to collisions, which can include the following:

  • Accidents with other vehicles—Whether you hit another car or another car hits you, collision coverage may help pay for the repair or replacement of your vehicle.
  • Single-vehicle accidents—If you crash into a stationary object such as a tree, guardrail or fence, collision coverage may help cover the damages to your vehicle.
  • Rollovers—If your vehicle rolls over due to an accident or other circumstances, collision coverage may help cover the repair costs.

What Is Comprehensive Coverage?

Comprehensive coverage is designed to help cover damage to your vehicle from incidents other than collisions. This type of insurance applies to a wide range of non-collision-related events, including the following:

  • Theft—If your vehicle is stolen, comprehensive coverage may help reimburse you for the loss.
  • Vandalism—Damage caused by vandalism, such as broken windows or keyed paint, is typically covered under comprehensive insurance.
  • Natural disasters—Events like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes that damage your vehicle may be covered by comprehensive insurance.
  • Fire—If your vehicle is damaged or destroyed by fire, comprehensive coverage may help cover the repair or replacement costs.
  • Falling objects—Damage from falling objects, such as tree branches or debris, is typically covered under comprehensive insurance.
  • Animal collisions—If you hit an animal while driving, comprehensive coverage may help cover the damage to your vehicle.

How to Get Collision and Comprehensive Auto Insurance

While collision and comprehensive insurance are not mandatory, they can provide valuable protection, especially if you rely heavily on your vehicle or live in an area prone to certain risks, such as theft or extreme weather. Additionally, if you have a loan or lease on your vehicle, your lender or leasing company may require you to carry collision and comprehensive coverage until the loan is paid off.

Carefully consider your options and consult an insurance professional to determine the coverage best suits your needs. Contact Affiliated Agency of Ocala LLC in Ocala, Florida, for a personalized comprehensive and collision insurance quote.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.



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